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How to display 0 for missing records while blending data Google Data Studio?

I am attempting to blend two data sources in Google Data Studio:

Data Source 1. weekly sales numbers by market (example below)

ID WeekEndingDate Market Sales
1 7/17/2022 Utah $400
2 7/17/2022 Arizona $500
3 7/17/2022 Colorado $600
4 7/17/2022 Dallas Fort Worth $700
5 7/10/2022 Utah $400
6 7/10/2022 Colorado $300
7 7/10/2022 Dallas Fort Worth $800
8 7/10/2022 Arizona $600
9 7/10/2022 Utah $500
10 7/10/2022 Colorado $100

Data Source 2. weekly budget by market (Example below)

WeekEndingDate Market Sales Budget
7/17/2022 Utah $5000
7/17/2022 Arizona $4000
7/17/2022 Colorado $3000
7/17/2022 Dallas Fort Worth $2000
7/17/2022 Tennessee $1000
7/17/2022 Oregon $1000
7/10/2022 Utah $5000
7/10/2022 Arizona $4000
7/10/2022 Colorado $300
7/10/2022 Dallas Fort Worth $2000
7/10/2022 Tennessee $1000
7/10/2022 Oregon $1000

What I Want in Data Studio Table (Example below) I have bolded the rows that I am unable to get in my table. The rest of the rows I am able to get perfectly.

WeekEndingDate Market Sales Budget Sales
7/17/2022 Utah $5000 $400
7/17/2022 Arizona $4000 $500
7/17/2022 Colorado $3000 $600
7/17/2022 Dallas Fort Worth $2000 $700
7/17/2022 Tennessee $1000 $0
7/17/2022 Oregon $1000 $0
7/10/2022 Utah $5000 $900
7/10/2022 Arizona $4000 $600
7/10/2022 Colorado $3000 $400
7/10/2022 Dallas Fort Worth $2000 $800
7/10/2022 Tennessee $1000 $0
7/10/2022 Oregon $1000 $0

My blend in data studio

Blend Between DS1 and DS2

What I am able to generate in Data Studio Please see this data as a reference for the screenshot below

enter image description here

I have successfully created an inner join blend between the two data sources linking the week date and the market. The data is pulling almost perfectly and I am like 98% done, however, what I am having trouble with is that data source #2 has weekly budget records for weeks that do not exist in data source #1 and those weeks will not show up on my table in data studio (ex. week ending 7/17/2022 for Tennessee budget is $2,000 but no sales were made in week ending 7/17/2022 in Tennessee, therefore, there are no records of sales for week ending 7/17/2022 in data source 1).

I currently have in a simple table each weeks sales and budget in two different columns but week 7/17/2022 is missing because there are no records for week ending 7/17/2022 in data source 1 to match the week in source 2. I need to display that week 7/17/2022's budget for tennessee is $2,000 and that there were $0 in sales for that week. Does anyone have an ideas on how I can accomplish this?

PS - I attempted a full outer join of the two data sources and there was no difference.

UPDATE - sorry for the lack of information at first. I have compiled some data that will hopefully help clarify this issue and you can find the data here:

You can also find a sample data studio report that you can view how I have it currently setup based on the sample data in the google sheet link above:

I have also added some sample tables directly on Stackoverflow for a quicker sample view.


  • 0) Summary

    1. Looks at the issue
    2. Solution #1 - Left outer join

    1) Background and Issue

    To visualise the issue and let's focus on the values where WeekEndingDate is Jul 17, 2022 and look at the values in the Market field:

    WeekEndingDate Market Data Source 1 Data Source 2
    Jul 17, 2022 Utah
    Jul 17, 2022 Arizona
    Jul 17, 2022 Dallas Fort Worth
    Jul 17, 2022 Colorado
    Jul 17, 2022 Oregon
    Jul 17, 2022 Nevada
    Jul 17, 2022 Tennessee

    As indicated by the ❌, two Market values (Nevada and Tennessee) are available in Data Source 2 but not in Data Source 1

    2) Suggestion #1: Left Outer Join

    Shift the data sources so that data source 2 is on the left and data source 1 is on the right and then left outer join:

    2.1) Blend Fields

    Description Table 1 Table 2
    Data Source: 2 1
    Dimension 1: WeekEndingDate WeekEndingDate
    Dimension 2: Market Market
    Metric 1: Sales Budget Sales
    Date Range: WeekEndingDate (Auto) WeekEndingDate (Auto)
    Image: table_1_blend_left table_2_blend_left

    2.2) Join Configuration

    Description Table 1 🔗 Table 2
    Join Operator: Left Outer
    Join Condition 1: WeekEndingDate (Data Source 2) 🔗 WeekEndingDate (Data Source 1)
    Join Condition 2: Market (Data Source 2) 🔗 Market (Data Source 1)
    Image: join_config

    Publicly editable Google Data Studio report (embedded Google Sheets data source) to elaborate: