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Optimisation of an oracle query

I'm trying to make my query run as quickly as possible but i'm struggling to get it under 5 seconds.

I think it's because i'm referencing two linked databases

Here's my query

select column2, column3, column4 
  from table1@dev 
 where column1 in (
          select distinct column2 
            from table2@dev 
           where column3 > 0
order by column1

Is there a way to optimise this query any more?

I've tried using join but it seems to make the query run longer

Thanks in advance


From further investigation the DRIVING_SITE makes it run very quick like this

select /*+ DRIVING_SITE(table1) */ t1.column2, t1.column3, t1.column4
from table1@dev t1, table2@dev t2
WHERE t2.column3 > 0

But as soon as I add the distinct column2 in it makes it run really slow


  • First, no need for distinct. The query can be written as:

    select * 
      from table1@dev 
     where column1 in (
              select column2 
                from table2@dev 
               where column3 > 0
    order by column1

    Second, there are (at least) two more ways to write it. Either with JOIN:

    select t1.* 
      from table1@dev t1
      join table2@dev t2
     where t2.column2 = t1.column1
       and t2.column3 > 0 
    group by
 , t1.column1, ... 
    order by t1.column1

    or (my preference) with EXISTS:

    select t1.* 
      from table1@dev t1 
     where exists
           ( select *
               from table2@dev 
              where t2.column2 = t1.column1
                and t2.column3 > 0
    order by column1

    In any case, you should check the execution plans for all of them.

    I would expect performance to be best if you have an index on table1.column1 and for table2, either an index on column2 or a composite index on (column3, column2)