I have pasted together an apple script to save email attachments to a directory. Everything works fine, but when I set the output to a dropbox directory, I get an error message:
error "Mail got an error: To view or change permissions, select the item in the Finder and choose File > Get Info." number -10000
The line producing the error is the one starting with save anAttachment to...
in the following script:
tell application "Mail"
set theMessages to messages of mailbox "Inbox" of account "xxx@yyy.zzz"
repeat with theMessage in theMessages
set theOutputFolder to ("/.../Dropbox (Company)/") as string
repeat with anAttachment in (get mail attachments in theMessage)
set theAttachmentName to name of anAttachment
set theSavePath to theOutputFolder & theAttachmentName
save anAttachment in theSavePath
end repeat
end repeat
end tell
In a non-dropbox directory everything works.
The flags of the dropbox directory are set as follows:
~ $ ls -FLAG -lhd@ Dropbox\ \(Company)
drwx------@ 15 username staff 480B Apr 8 13:52 Dropbox (Company)/
com.apple.FinderInfo 32B
I tried to run chmod go+rw
on the directory, but that did not help.
GetInfo on the directory yields:
Changing everyone to Read&Write does not help either.
Whilst you get to the bottom of what is preventing you from writing out to folders other than your Downloads folder (which presumably includes subfolders in the Downloads folder), here's a barebones script that should save mail attachments to the folder ~/Downloads/Mail Attachments/
I've put a filter on the messages being acted upon as retrieving every message in a mailbox is potentially very costly. This retrieves messages from the previous three days:
tell application id "com.apple.SystemEvents" to tell (make new folder ¬
with properties {name:"~/Downloads/Mail Attachments"}) to set ¬
directory to the POSIX path
tell application id "com.apple.Mail"
set _M to a reference to (every message in the inbox whose ¬
date received > ((my date named 0.0) - 3 * days))
repeat with A in _M's mail attachments
set f to the directory & "/" & A's name
save A in (f as POSIX file)
end repeat
end tell
You could perhaps add code to migrate the "Mail Attachments" folder from your Downloads folder to your Dropbox folder.