I have to send a request body like this
"request": {
"header": {
"correlationId": "Test",
"appId": "12345"
"payload": {
"leadId": "12345",
"applicationNo": "",
"proposalNo": "P123",
"policyNo": "100",
"issuanceDt": "01-06-2022",
"docName": "ABCD.pdf",
"docType": "Proposal Form"
I also have headers "username" and "password".
I have created Models for request, header and payload with respective fields.
How do I send this using rest template?
Create a new HttpEntity, populate it with headers and body and exchange, using RestTemplate like this. Payload - is a class containing your payload, and I assumed you have a builder (you can use just a map, indeed)
final HttpHeaders httpHeaders = new HttpHeaders();
httpHeaders.add("correlationId", "value");
httpHeaders.add("appId", "value");
HttpEntity<Payload> httpEntity = new HttpEntity<>(Payload.builder()
//bulider population goes here
final RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
restTemplate.exchange(uri, HttpMethod.POST,httpEntity);