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What's the best way to use a service in react?

Since hooks was introduced in React, React means functional programming. But sometimes a "service"-like object is needed to solve some features. I.e.:

function MyComponente() {
  const cache = useCache({ name: "my-component" });

  // ....

  return <Items cache={cache} />;

In the above code the "service"-like object is the cache. Here the cache instance is created with a "hook"-approach. The code could look like the following:

import { cacheRegister, defaultFilters } from "../reactive-vars";

const useCache = ({name}) => {
  const initialState = cacheRegister[name]();
  const currentState = cacheRegister[name];

  return useRef({
    getName: () => name,
    getSelectedItem: () => cacheRegister[name].selectedItem,
    setSelectedItem: (item) => cacheRegister[name]({ ...cacheRegister[name], selectedItem: item }),
    // ....

Is this the best approach? The useRef avoids the recreation of the cache-instance and keeps the reference of cache stable.


  • I would go with useRef definitely. That is the way I am utilizing services on my React projects. As you mentioned, ref is a stable wrapper, and since services should be one-time instantiated and not depending on some outer state, then useRef makes it perfect to use. I just like to define services with JS classes, and then to use it with something like: const service = useRef(new SomeService(...someParams));