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New virtual creates a new method instead of hiding

The requirement here is to write test cases for the Opc Ua NodeManager and it uses NodeId from Opc.Ua class.

Methods/properties in NodeId class cannot be moq because they are Non-Overridable methods and have ony get in them.

So I created a wrapper on top of NodeId class and tried to Moq that class. It works fine but now I have 2 methods/Properties

public class NodeIdTestClass : NodeId
    public NodeIdTestClass()

    public new virtual object Identifier
        get => base.Identifier;

    public new virtual ushort NamespaceIndex
        get => base.NamespaceIndex;

    public new virtual bool IsNullNodeId
        get => base.IsNullNodeId;


        var nodeIdMock = new Mock<NodeIdTestClass>() { CallBase = true };
        nodeIdMock.Setup(x => x.Identifier).Returns(nodeIdMock.Object.Identifier);
        nodeIdMock.Setup(x => x.NamespaceIndex).Returns(1);
        nodeIdMock.Setup(x => x.IsNullNodeId).Returns(false);
        _nodemanager.SetNamespaces(new string[] { "0", "1", "2" });

        var result = _nodemanager.GetManagerHandle(nodeIdMock.Object);

The problem :

Problem Object Highlighted

Is there something wrong with code?


  • Do you need a mock?

    Wouldn't this be enough?

    var nodeId = new NodeId(value: 17, namespaceIndex: 1);
    var result = _nodemanager.GetManagerHandle(nodeId);