Search code examples

How to handle an empty search query in Laravel 9?

I'm currently trying to implement a search functionality in my Laravel 9 API. Unfortunately, when I leave an empty query the API returns absolutely nothing. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?


Route::get('/products/search/{title?}', 'searchTitle');
public function searchTitle(Request $request, $title = '')
    $pageSize = $request->page_size ?? 10;

    if ($title == '') {
        return Product::query()->paginate($pageSize);
    } else {
        return Product::where('title', 'LIKE', "%$title%")


  • I suggest you use Conditional Clauses (when), something like this:

    return Product::when($title !== '', function (Builder $query, $title) {
        return $query->where('title', 'LIKE', "%$title%");

    Or use the object assign to a variable and make the where

     $product = Product::query();
     if ($title !== '') {
         $product->where('title', 'LIKE', "%$title%");
     return $product->paginate($pageSize);