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Get the root key with jsonb_path_query()

In Postgres 13, for the below query, the jsonb values are getting filtered correctly based on "priority":

SELECT jsonb_path_query(
  "100": {
    "name": "test",
    "priority": 5
  "101": {
    "name": "test2",
    "priority": 10
  "102": {
    "name": "test3",
    "priority": 15
, '$.* ? (@.priority > 10)') 


  "name": "test3",
  "priority": 15

But I want to get the root key also. In this case I want to get the root for "test3" which is "102". To achieve this, I tried the below query:

SELECT jsonb_path_query(
  "100": {
    "name": "test",
    "priority": 5
  "101": {
    "name": "test2",
    "priority": 10
  "102": {
    "name": "test3",
    "priority": 15
, '$ ? (@.*.priority > 10)') 

But the output data is not getting filtered based on "priority".
Here is the output:

  "100": {
    "name": "test",
    "priority": 5
  "101": {
    "name": "test2",
    "priority": 10
  "102": {
    "name": "test3",
    "priority": 15

The desired output would be:

    "102": {
        "name": "test3",
        "priority": 15

How can I filter the data using an SQL/JSON path expression and the get the root key as well?


  • The task would be simple with a JSON array instead of a JSON object (which would seem like the more appropriate structure for your sample data):

    SELECT jsonb_path_query(
            "100": {
                "name": "test",
                "priority": 5
            "101": {
                "name": "test2",
                "priority": 10
            "102": {
                "name": "test3",
                "priority": 15
    , '$[*] ? (@.*.priority > 10)');

    While working with a JSON object, one way would be with the .keyvalue() method:

    SELECT jsonb_path_query(
      "100": {
        "name": "test",
        "priority": 5
      "101": {
        "name": "test2",
        "priority": 10
      "102": {
        "name": "test3",
        "priority": 15
    , '$.keyvalue() ? (@.value.priority > 10)');


    {"id": 0, "key": "102", "value": {"name": "test3", "priority": 15}}

    The manual:

    object . keyvalue()array

    The object's key-value pairs, represented as an array of objects containing three fields: "key", "value", and "id"; "id" is a unique identifier of the object the key-value pair belongs to

    To get your desired JSON value exactly:

    SELECT jsonb_build_object(j->>'key', j->'value')
    FROM  (
       SELECT jsonb_path_query(
         "100": {
           "name": "test",
           "priority": 5
         "101": {
           "name": "test2",
           "priority": 10
         "102": {
           "name": "test3",
           "priority": 15
       , '$.keyvalue() ? (@.value.priority > 10)') 
       ) sub(j);


    {"102": {"name": "test3", "priority": 15}}

    db<>fiddle here