I have a simple script for uploading a .txt file into a Supabase bucket named 'training-data'. The bucket was made public, and I made sure to include the necessary storage/object policies in order to allow access. I know others have encountered the following error, as have I, but I managed to fix it using the policies:
'new row violates row-level security policy for table "objects"'
My problem is now, it's giving me a different error that, as far as I could see, no one else encountered before:
storage3.utils.StorageException: {'statusCode': 400, 'error': 'Key is not present in table "buckets".', 'message': 'insert or update on table "objects" violates foreign key constraint "objects_bucketId_fkey"'}
I'm not sure why it's telling me that my bucket is a table and that it needs a unique identifier key. How do I fix this? My code is below:
from supabase import create_client
from dotenv import load_dotenv
import os
url = os.environ.get("DEPLOY_URL")
key = os.environ.get("DEPLOY_KEY")
supabase = create_client(url, key)
data = supabase.table("Blog Data").select("*").execute()
file = "dzonescrape\\dzonescrape\\spiders\\test.txt"
# data = supabase.storage().from_("public/training-data").download("test.txt")
# print(data)
supabase.storage().from_("public/training-data").upload("test.txt", file)
FYI, I tested downloading files that were manually uploaded, and it works, so it's just the upload that's giving me issues. Here is my insert object policy:
CREATE POLICY "Make inserting training data publicly available (INSERT)" ON "storage"."objects"
TO public
WITH CHECK (bucket_id = 'training-data')
Try to change your bucket name:
supabase.storage().from_("training-data").upload("test.txt", file)
I checked my code on Dart:
Future<StorageResponse> _uploadFile() async {
final supabase = Supabase.instance.client;
const file = '/Users/igdmitrov/DEV/Test.txt';
final response = await supabase.storage
.upload('text.txt', File(file));
return response;
It works with policy:
CREATE POLICY "Give users authenticated access to folder 1ov7tml_0" ON storage.objects FOR INSERT TO public WITH CHECK (bucket_id = 'training-data');
CREATE POLICY "Give users authenticated access to folder 1ov7tml_1" ON storage.objects FOR SELECT TO public USING (bucket_id = 'training-data');