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How to use Supabase streams to query "IS NOT NULL" where clause

How do I make the following query in supabase on a stream listening for changes:

select * from public.messages where "to" IS NOT NULL;

From the documentation the closest, I could get was doing the filtering with an "equal to" expression. As captured below:

_messagesStream = supabase
        .map((maps) => maps
            .map((map) => Message.fromMap(map: map, myUserId: myUserId))

But what I need is a query with "IS NOT NULL". A work around I found was to handle complex queries in a view, but the issue here is, I cannot listen for events on view.

Kindly assist.


  • I think it is not possible. I checked supabase.dart and I can't find any solution on how to implement it.

    But you can filter it on your side:

     _messagesStream = supabase
            .map((maps) => maps
               .where((element) => element['to'] != null)
                .map((map) => Message.fromMap(map: map, myUserId: myUserId))