I am trying to make a function in vimscript that will activate on every cursor movement in visual mode, i.e. it will automatically highlight all the matches of the current visual selection.
The mapping from https://vi.stackexchange.com/questions/20077/automatically-highlight-all-occurrences-of-the-selected-text-in-visual-mode:
xnoremap <silent> <cr> "*y:silent! let searchTerm = '\V'.substitute(escape(@*, '\/'), "\n", '\\n', "g") <bar> let @/ = searchTerm <bar> echo '/'.@/ <bar> call histadd("search", searchTerm) <bar> set hls<cr>
works perfectly for me but I am failing to implement it into function. This is what I tried:
function! HighlightVisual(mode)
if mode()=~#"^[vV\<C-v>]"
call feedkeys('"*y')
let searchTerm = '\V'.substitute(escape(@*, '\/'), "\n", '\\n', "g")
let @/ = searchTerm
echo '/'.@/
call histadd("search", searchTerm)
set hls
autocmd CursorMoved * call HighlightVisual(mode())
However, it is not working.
What am I doing wrong? I think the function is terminated each time a call
is invoked but have no idea how to workaround that.
I have made it work. Firstly, I found from https://vi.stackexchange.com/questions/28404/vim-does-not-call-functions-correctly-when-wrapped-in-another-function that "Vim doesn't like updating Screen too often" so redraw
was necessary after set hls
. And secondly, y
was forcing normal mode and gv
was moving cursor triggering the autocmd CursorMoved
inside the function thus making an infinite loop. I made a workaround by set eventignore=CursorMoved
and resetting it back at the end of function. I am saving selected word to register h (as in highlight) but you can choose any by changing "hy
and @h
. Moreover, I added highlight toggle when not needed. So, if somebody wants to use the feature of automatically highlighting visual matches, here is the code:
function! HighlightVisual(mode)
if mode()=~#"^[vV\<C-v>]"
set eventignore=CursorMoved
normal "hy
normal gv
let searchTerm = '\V'.substitute(escape(@h, '\/'), "\n", '\\n', "g")
let @/ = searchTerm
call histadd("search", searchTerm)
set hls
set eventignore=""
autocmd CursorMoved * :call HighlightVisual(mode())
vnoremap <silent> <ESC> :<C-u>set nohlsearch<CR>
; just copy-paste it in your .vimrc/init.vim. Big thanks to trusktr as I used his answer in https://vi.stackexchange.com/questions/20077/automatically-highlight-all-occurrences-of-the-selected-text-in-visual-mode to build my function I wanted for sooo long. Happy coding!