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How to enter new rows in a dataset by keeping same index

I am trying to enter into the following dataset:

data = [("Il nome della rosa","Umberto Eco", 1980), 
        ("L'amore che ti meriti","Daria Bignardi", 2014), 
        ("Memorie dal sottsuolo", " Fëdor Dostoevskij", 1864), 
        ("Oblomov", "Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov ", 1859)]

index = range(1,5,1)
data = pd.DataFrame(data, columns = ["Books'Title", "Authors", "Publishing Year"], index = index)

pubhouses = ["Bompiani", "Mondadori", "Rizzoli", "Feltrinelli"]
data.insert(3, 'Publication House', pubhouses)

the rows:

newbook1 = ['Il demone meschino', 'Fëdor Sologub',  1907, 'Feltrinelli']
newbook2 = ['le anime morte', 'Nikolaj Vasilevič Gogol Janovskij',  1882, 'Garzanti']

As you could see, the dataset created with the first chunk of code turns a with the first row marked with index 1.

enter image description here

To maintain it, I used the following code to add two further rows where the new rows are added as follows at the last one of the original dataset:

data.loc[len(data.index[-1] + 1)] = [newbook1, newbook2]

But the code does not work. If possible I would like to ask someone how to deal with this issue and try to fix it. Thanks


  • Try:

    # create temporary dataframe with desired index
    idx = data.index.max() + 1
    x = pd.DataFrame(
        [newbook1, newbook2],
        index=range(idx, idx + 2),
    # concat the dataframes
    data = pd.concat([data, x])


                 Books'Title                            Authors  Publishing Year Publication House
    1     Il nome della rosa                        Umberto Eco             1980          Bompiani
    2  L'amore che ti meriti                     Daria Bignardi             2014         Mondadori
    3  Memorie dal sottsuolo                  Fëdor Dostoevskij             1864           Rizzoli
    4                Oblomov      Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov              1859       Feltrinelli
    5     Il demone meschino                      Fëdor Sologub             1907       Feltrinelli
    6         le anime morte  Nikolaj Vasilevič Gogol Janovskij             1882          Garzanti