Search code examples

How to iterate over an int array in GORM

In the Params model I have an array of int Cat_id

I make a request: localhost:8080/products/?cat_id=1,2 And I want to display multiple products from these two categories. How can I parsely build my query? My func:

func GetAllIproducts(q *models.Products, pagination *models.Params) (*[]models.Products, error) {
    var prod []models.Products
    offset := (pagination.Page - 1) * pagination.Limit
    result := config.DB.Model(&models.Products{}).Where(q).Where("cat_id=?", pagination.Cat_id).Limit(pagination.Limit).Offset(offset).Find(&prod) //Problem is here
    if result.Error != nil {
        msg := result.Error
        return nil, msg
    return &prod, nil

When i use Debug i got this: SELECT * FROM "products" WHERE cat_id=(1,2) AND "products"."deleted_at" IS NULL


  • Assuming that the cat_id is an integer (lets assume int64), you could these two things:

    1. Convert pagination.Cat_id string to an []int64 slice (lets call this variable catIDs of type []int64) to get a slice with separated int64 elements.

    2. Change your Where clause to something like this:

       result := config.DB.Model(&models.Products{}).Where(q).Where("cat_id IN (?)", catIDs).Limit(pagination.Limit).Offset(offset).Find(&prod)