I have a list of tables and I want to run query using for ... in [] . After running code below I have an error. Where could be mistake?
I just want to print the result. Result I expect in a list for example [2,67,0,7].
tables = [
{%- call statement('my_statement', fetch_result=True) -%}
select count(*) as cnt
from {% for n in tables %} my_schema.n {% endfor %}
where students = 'great'
{%- endcall -%}
{%- set my_var = load_result('my_statement') -%}
OR I used it:
{%- set query -%}
select count(*) as cnt
from {% for n in tables %} my_schema.n {% endfor %}
where students = 'great'
{%- endset -%}
{% set results = run_query(query) %}
{{ results }}
Does this do what you want?
{% macro print_multi_tables() %}
{% set tables = ['table_1', 'table_2', 'table_3', 'table_4', 'table_5'] %}
{% set ns = namespace(query_results = [], final_result = '[') %}
{% set query_results = [] %}
{% for table_name in tables %}
{% set query %}
select count(*) from {{ ref(table_name) }} where students = 'great'
{% endset %}
{{ log(query, true) }}
{% set results = run_query(query) %}
{% set count = results.rows[0][0] %}
{% set query_results = query_results.append(count) %}
{% endfor %}
{# This gives a result like [Decimal('2'), Decimal('8')], so #}
{# there is more code below to print the exact results you want #}
{{ log(query_results, true) }}
{# Print the results in the format [result_1, result_2, etc] #}
{% for x in query_results %}
{% set ns.final_result = ns.final_result ~ x %}
{% if not loop.last %}
{% set ns.final_result = ns.final_result ~ ', ' %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% set ns.final_result = ns.final_result ~ ']' %}
{{ log(ns.final_result, true) }}
{% endmacro %}
Results will look like
select count(*) from my_database.my_schema.table_1 where students = 'great'
select count(*) from my_database.my_schema.table_2 where students = 'great'
select count(*) from my_database.my_schema.table_3 where students = 'great'
16:44:08 [Decimal('2'), Decimal('6'), Decimal('8')]
16:44:08 [2, 6, 8]