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Highlighting inline code snippets with the latex listings package

In my latex document I am using the listings package extensively. I have many short inline code snippets that I like to give a proper highlighting in the text, and I am using the \lstMakeShortInline construct. Now I am interested in highlighting (background coloring) at least some of those code inserts for clarity, and was trying the following: \lstMakeShortInline[language=Python,basicstyle=\ttfamily, backgroundcolor=\color{lightgray}]! hoping that usage like:

some text some text !read_csv()! some more text

Will result in read_csv() appearing on a light-gray background, but it does not seem to work. The \ttfamily format works well in this situation.

(Thanks to

Here is a minimal example:




\lstMakeShortInline[language=Python, keywordstyle={\bfseries \color{blue}}, backgroundcolor=\color{yellow}]!

Here is the keyword !for!, showing that the \textbf{keywordstyle} setting takes effect, but the \textbf{backgroundcolor} setting does not.

\textbf{backgroundcolor} fails to take effect also when applied to a non-keyword !df.read_csv()! code snippet.


Is this possible with the listings package?




  • Based on you could do something like (make sure that ! does not occur in the normal text or use a different character):

    % !TeX program = lualatex
    \usepackage{xcolor,listings,realboxes,fancyvrb} % fancyvrb for '\Verb' macro
    \lstset{basicstyle=\ttfamily, breaklines = true, backgroundcolor=\color{mygray}}
    \usepackage[doublespacing]{setspace} % just for this example
    \usepackage{luacode} % for 'luacode' environment
    -- the following code employs Lua's powerful "string.gsub" function
    function color_lstinline ( s )
       s = string.gsub ( s , "%b!!", "\\Colorbox{mygray}{%0}" ) 
       return s
    %% Define 2 LaTeX macros to switch operation of Lua function on and off
       luatexbase.add_to_callback ( "process_input_buffer" , 
       color_lstinline, "color_lstinline" )}}
       luatexbase.remove_from_callback ( "process_input_buffer" , 
       "color_lstinline" )}}
    \AtBeginDocument{\ColorLstinlineOn} % Default: activate the Lua function 
    \lstMakeShortInline[language=Python, keywordstyle={\bfseries \color{blue}}, backgroundcolor=\color{yellow}]!

    enter image description here