I want to sort my vector of pairs by the ratio of the first to the second value of the pair. I am using C++ STL sort
function but, I don't know, It is not sorting the vector properly here is my code:
bool comparator(const std::pair<int, int> &item1, const std::pair<int, int> &item2)
return (item1.first / item1.second) < (item2.first / item2.second);
sort function call
int main()
std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> items = {{4, 5}, {1, 4}, {3, 5}, {6, 7}, {8, 8}};
std::sort(items.begin(), items.end(), comparator);
for (auto item : items)
std::cout << item.first << ", " << item.second << "\n";
return 0;
my output
8, 8
4, 5
1, 4
3, 5
6, 7
expected output
8, 8
6, 7
4, 5
3, 5
1, 4
I also tried
return (double)(item1.first / item1.second) > (double)(item2.first / item2.second);
but it is also giving me another output
4, 5
1, 4
3, 5
6, 7
8, 8
It seems you want to compare float results like
return (static_cast<double>( item1.first ) / item1.second) <
(static_cast<double>( item2.first ) / item2.second);
In this case the vector will be sorted in the ascending order and the result will be
1, 4
3, 5
4, 5
6, 7
8, 8
If you want to sort the vector in the descending order then use this return statement
return (static_cast<double>( item2.first ) / item2.second) <
(static_cast<double>( item1.first ) / item1.second);
In this case the output will be
8, 8
6, 7
4, 5
3, 5
1, 4
As for this return statement
return (double)(item1.first / item1.second) > (double)(item2.first / item2.second);
then in parentheses there is used the integer arithmetic
(item1.first / item1.second)
So casting to double has no effect for the comparison.