Does Google App Engine allow compression of the results? For example, I have the following curl request:
$ curl --location --request GET '' \
> --header 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br'
And the response is not compressed. Compare this with something like:
$ curl --location -X GET '' --header 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br'
Warning: Binary output can mess up your terminal. Use "--output -" to tell
Warning: curl to output it to your terminal anyway, or consider "--output
Warning: <FILE>" to save to a file.
Or, is there something manual I need to set up? I would think the last resort would be to do the compression in the application endpoints themselves, or is that how it needs to be done?
Expanding on John Hanley's suggestion in a comment, there are two parts to this.
header in the request.text/html
or whatever it needs to be. Often the web server will ignore compression if the mime-type isn't in a certain list.-v
flag in curl.Putting it all together:
$ curl --location --request GET ''
--header 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br'