I have 2 arrays
const arrayOne = [
{id: '110'},
{id: '202'},
{id: '259'}
const arrayTwo = [
{data: [{value: 'Alpha', id: '001'}]},
{data: [{value: 'Bravo', id: '202'}]},
{data: [{value: 'Charlie', id: '752'}]},
{data: [{value: 'Delta', id: '202'}, {value: 'Sierra', id: '110'}]},
{data: [{value: 'Echo', id: '937'}]}
I need to create a new array comparing arrayOne[idx].id
with arrayTwo[idx].data[idx2].id
Upon match, I need to create an array pushing value
or the entire matching object into a new array.
In this example, desired result should be newArray = ['Bravo', 'Delta', 'Sierra']
What I have tried:
let result = arrayOne.map(el => {
let found = arrayTwo.find(f => f.data.at(0)?.id == el.id)?.data.at(0)?.value;
return { id: el.id, value: found ?? null};
const result = arrayTwo
.map(obj => obj.data[0])
.map(obj => (arrayOne.find(v => v.id === obj.id) && obj.value))
arrayOne.map(item => ({
result: arrayTwo.filter(itemTwo => item.data.map(x => x.id).includes(itemTwo.id))
You're only checking the first index:
let found = arrayTwo.find(f => f.data.at(0)?.id == el.id)?.data.at(0)?.value;
If the first index doesn't match, but further indicies do, they won't be found.
I think you're overcomplicating things a bit. Make a Set of the IDs to find, then just iterate over each .data
array, pushing the object to the output array if the ID matches.
const arrayOne=[{id:"110"},{id:"202"},{id:"259"}],arrayTwo=[{data:[{value:"Alpha",id:"001"}]},{data:[{value:"Bravo",id:"202"}]},{data:[{value:"Charlie",id:"752"}]},{data:[{value:"Delta",id:"202"},{value:"Sierra",id:"110"}]},{data:[{value:"Echo",id:"937"}]}];
const idsToFind = new Set(arrayOne.map(({ id }) => id));
const output = [];
for (const { data } of arrayTwo) {
for (const obj of data) {
if (idsToFind.has(obj.id)) output.push(obj.value);
If you prefer a less imperative approach:
const arrayOne=[{id:"110"},{id:"202"},{id:"259"}],arrayTwo=[{data:[{value:"Alpha",id:"001"}]},{data:[{value:"Bravo",id:"202"}]},{data:[{value:"Charlie",id:"752"}]},{data:[{value:"Delta",id:"202"},{value:"Sierra",id:"110"}]},{data:[{value:"Echo",id:"937"}]}];
const idsToFind = new Set(arrayOne.map(({ id }) => id));
const output = arrayTwo
.flatMap(({ data }) => data.filter(
obj => idsToFind.has(obj.id)
.map(obj => obj.value);