I have a Control, within a control, within a control.
Like so..
QuizMaster -> Question -> Answers -> RadioButton
When one of the answers is checked I want the function in Quizmaster called AskNextQuestion() to run.
How do I do that?
You would create an event in your nested control, and have your QuizMaster
subscribe to that event.
In your Answers
add this:
public static event Action<bool> IsAnswered;
and Fire this event when you select a RadioButton
in its handler
public void OnRadioButtonSelected(object sender, SomeEventArgs e)
if(IsAnswered != null)
and in your QuizMaster
Subscribe to this static event:
public void SomeMethod()
Answers.IsAnswered += new Action<bool>(Answers_IsAnsweredCompleted);
public void Answers_IsAnsweredCompleted(bool IsAsnwered)
//call your method in QuizMaster