I am following this R tutorial here (https://cengel.github.io/R-spatial/mapping.html). This tutorial shows you how to make an interactive map with popup text:
# start with file: philly_WGS84
p_popup <- paste0("<strong>Homicide Density: </strong>", philly_WGS84$homic_rate)
leaflet(philly_WGS84) %>%
stroke = FALSE,
fillColor = ~pal_fun(homic_rate),
fillOpacity = 0.8, smoothFactor = 0.5,
popup = p_popup) %>%
addTiles() %>%
colors = brewer.pal(7, "YlOrRd"),
labels = paste0("up to ", format(breaks_qt$brks[-1], digits = 2)),
title = 'Philadelphia homicide density per sqkm')
Is there a straightforward way of adding multiple popups to this map? For example - suppose I wanted these 3 popups (e.g. imagine that the file "p_popup_1" had columns var_1, var_2, var_3) :
p_popup_1 <- paste0("<strong> Text 1: </strong>", philly_WGS84$var_1)
p_popup_2 <- paste0("<strong> Text 2: </strong>", philly_WGS84$var_2)
p_popup_3 <- paste0("<strong> Text 3: </strong>", philly_WGS84$var_3)
combined_popup <- c(p_popup_1, p_popup_2, p_popup_3)
Could I then somehow add this "combined_popup" to the map?
leaflet(philly_WGS84) %>%
stroke = FALSE,
fillColor = ~pal_fun(homic_rate),
fillOpacity = 0.8, smoothFactor = 0.5,
popup = combined_popup) %>%
addTiles() %>%
colors = brewer.pal(7, "YlOrRd"),
labels = paste0("up to ", format(breaks_qt$brks[-1], digits = 2)),
title = 'Philadelphia homicide density per sqkm')
Is this possible in R?
Thank you!
It sounds like you want to display multiple columns in your popup (3 columns in this case). If true, you can include HTML breaks <br>
in your character vector to separate each label and value you'd like to include.
For example:
p_popup <- paste0("<strong>Homicide Density: </strong>", philly_WGS84$homic_rate,
"<br><strong>Tract Area: </strong>", philly_WGS84$tract_area,
"<br><strong>N Homicides: </strong>", philly_WGS84$n_homic)
Then p_popup
in addPolygons
should include the 3 column values in a single popup.