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static member std::function of template class gets empty despite initalization

Consider the following class:

template <class T>
struct Test
    Test() {
        if (!f) {
            f = []() { std::cout << "it works\n"; };
            initialized = true;
    static void check() {
        if (f) f();
        else std::cout << "f is empty\n";
    T x{};
    inline static std::function<void()> f;
    inline static bool initialized = false;

An object of such class, if declared globally (Yes, I know it's a bad practice to use global variables), seems to empty the function f after it is initalized. The following example demonstrates this:

Test<double> t;

int main()
    t.x = 1.5;
    std::cout << "t.x = " << t.x << "\n";
    std::cout << std::boolalpha << "initalized: " <<  Test<double>::initialized << "\n";
    return 0;

This prints:

t.x = 1.5
initalized: true
f is empty

I expected Test<double>::check(); to print it works.

However, the above example works as expected, when I do either of the following:

  • declare t within main()
  • do not use template for Test (just replace T with double for example)
  • make f and check() be not static
  • use plain function pointer instead of std::function

Does anyone know why this happens?


  • The problem is related to the order of initialization of static variables which I guess is solved differently for the templated instantiated static variables compared to Test<double> on different compilers.

    inline static Holder f;

    is a static variable, so somewhere before entering main it will be default initialized (to an empty function). But Test<double> is another static variable that will get its own initialization before entering main.

    On GCC it happens that

    • Test<double> is called
    • Test<double>::f is set by the constructor of Test<double>
    • the default constructor of Test<double>::f is called, thus emptying the function

    This all happens inside __static_initialization_and_destruction_0 GCC method, if you actually use a wrapper object to break on static initialization of the variable you can see what's happening:

    How could the compiler know that you plan to set a static variable from another static variable before its construction? That's why, as you said, using static variables is a bad practice indeed.