Create procedure test.access
@principal_id int
with execute as owner
set nocount on;
select * from sys.database_principals where principal_id = @principal_id
I create the above procedure and execute but it returns nothing. However if I declare @principal_id as a variable, set it then run this code outside a procedure it returns the correct rows.
Why isn't it working inside the procedure?
If the owner of the test schema does not have elevated permissions, then the rows that can be seen in sys.database_principals
will be limited. From the documentation
Any user can see their own user name, the system users, and the fixed database roles. To see other users, requires ALTER ANY USER, or a permission on the user. To see user-defined roles, requires ALTER ANY ROLE, or membership in the role.
In the following script I create the user test
, as well as a schema test
. I make the test
user the owner of the test
I then create a procedure in that schema with execute as owner
. It will therefore execute in the context of the test
But the test
user does not have ALTER ANY USER
permission, so the rows visible in sys.database_principals
are limited:
create login test with password = 'test';
create user test for login test;
create schema test authorization test;
create procedure test.access with execute as owner as
select * from sys.database_principals;
exec test.access; -- returns a limited set principals
If I grant the test
user the alter any user
permission and then re-execute the procedure, I will get all of the users:
grant alter any user to test;
exec test.access; -- returns all users (but not user defined roles)
grant alter any role to test;
exec test.access; -- returns everyone and all roles
If the test
schema is currently not owned by the correct user, you can change that:
alter authorization on schema::test to [user];