Encapsulation says you should use private attributes, but this brought me an issue. I cannot access super-class attributes in my sub-class. I've readed that if classes are in different files, you cannot read them if their private, so should I just use public attributes or use multiple classes in the same file? which of this fixes are commonly accepted/not considered a bad practice?
class Animal{
String? _color;
String? _specie;
int? _age;
Animal(this._color, this._specie, this._age);
import 'Animal.dart';
class Dog extends Animal{
bool? _rabid;
Dog(super._color, super._specie, super._age, this._rabid);
String? isRabid(){
String isRabidMsg = 'is rabid?: $_rabid';
return isRabidMsg;
String? sayAge(){
String sayAgeMsg = "the age is: "; //Can't access age attribute from super-class
return sayAgeMsg;
void main() {
Dog dog1 = new Dog('black', 'german shepard', 2, false);
You could try and use getters for the private fields
class Animal {
String? _color;
String? _specie;
int? _age;
String? get color => _color;
String? get specie => _specie;
int? get age => _age