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How to test an Alert with Cypress

I'm testing a data form using Cypress, but am stuck on a step that displays an alert on the page.

This is the test, but it's not working.

describe('Alert is displayed with warning text', () => {

  it('Assert that the alert is displayed after entering data', () => {
    cy.get('input').type('some data').blur()
    cy.on ('window:alert', (text) => {
      cy.wrap(text).should('eq', 'alert text')

How do I test this alert that pops up on the page?


  • You can modify your code to use expect() instead of should().

    The problem is Cypress does not like commands inside event listeners.

    You must use a done() callback to avoid a false positive when the alert is not fired.

    describe('Alert is displayed with warning text', () => {
      it('Assert that the alert is displayed after entering data', (done) => {
        cy.on('window:alert', (text) => {
          expect(text).to.eq('alert text')
          done()                              // waiting for event, fails on timeout    
        cy.get('input').type('some data').blur()