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Is the output of Next.js SSG build, SEO friendly?

I would like to know if the output generated by nextjs SSG build is SEO friendly, the same way as using nextjs with SSR.

The reason I am asking is, because I would like to build a full stack app with React frontend (Django/DRF backend for what is worth), and SEO is really important. Also I would prefer to not have a separate nodejs instance serving the frontend separately.

tl:dr I would like to serve only static files for the frontend while also being SEO friendly.

Thanks very much in advance.


  • NextJS provides you options for Server Side Rendering and Static Site Generation, to implement SSG, you need to configure your pages to render SSG pages . The build has the data pre-loaded but I am not sure if this is the intended application of your full-stack application. Usually Next(and/or any other front-end framework) does server side rendering when coupled with a back-end like Django. So if you're sure about rendering static files, then yes. NextJS is search engine friendly. You should also consider React Helmet which provides great options for SEO in react.