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Can I test if my script is run with bokeh serve?

I have a script that I want to run with bokeh serve to display and evaluate results, but I also want to be able to run the same script without bokeh. There's some internal logic that depends on which mode it's running, so I need to be able tot test if the script is launched with bokeh serve or without.

I tried evaluating curdoc(), assuming that when run without bokeh serve it would return None, but in both cases it returns some object, so I can't simply do an if curdoc().

So far I didn't find any reference to this kind of test in the bokeh docs.


  • You can check if an application is being run though a bokeh server by inspecting the __name__ of the file.

    If I have an file that I can run either via boke serve --show or python Depending on how the script is run, the __name__ will be different.

    if __name__.startswith('bokeh'):
        print(__name__, 'running via bokeh server')
        print(__name__, 'not running via bokeh server')

    enter image description here