I am building a search bar which brings some resuts from algolia. everything is working fine, except that the results listview view doesn't show the new resuts until I close the keyboard. but I need to update automatically with every new letter I write in the text field (while the keyboard is opened), same like auto complete function. what is mimssing here? (note that all of this is inside a buttomsheet)
I also tried to replace the controller listner with onChange (){}, same issue is there. the list view doesn't rebuild untill I close the keyboard.
The Funcion and the listner Code:
class _CategoriesPageState extends State<CategoriesPage> {
String _searchTerm = "";
List<AlgoliaObjectSnapshot> _results = [];
bool _searching = false;
TextEditingController _searchText = TextEditingController(text: "");
_search() async {
setState(() {
_searching = true;
Algolia algolia = const Algolia.init(
applicationId: 'XP6QXPHMDJ',
apiKey: '283351eb9d0a111a8fb4f2fdb7b8450a',
AlgoliaQuery query = algolia.instance.index('BusinessProfilesCollection');
query = query.query(_searchText.text);
_results = (await query.getObjects()).hits;
setState(() {
_searching = false;
void initState() {
_searchText.addListener(() {
setState(() {
the Text Field Code:
controller: _searchText,
style: GoogleFonts.lato(
fontStyle: FontStyle.normal,
color: Colors.grey[850],
fontSize: 14.sp,
decoration: const InputDecoration(
border: InputBorder.none,
hintText: 'Search ...',
TextStyle(color: Colors.black),
The Results Widget:
height: 300.h,
child: _searching == true
? Center(
child: Text("Searching, please wait..."),
: _results.length == 0
? Center(
child: Text("No results found."),
: ListView.builder(
itemCount: _results.length,
(BuildContext ctx, int index) {return ...}))
A bottom sheet doesnt update state by default. Wrap the content of the bottom sheet with a statefulbuilder
context: context,
builder: (context) {
return StatefulBuilder(
builder: (BuildContext context, StateSetter setState /*You can rename this!*/) {
return Container(
child: TextField(onChanged: (val) {
setState(() {
//This will rebuild the bottom sheet