I have the following snippet using multi part file uploads. One of the parts reads as byte while the other reads string. One that reads as Byte shows the correct size while the one reading as String reads only one line. What am I missing ?
val routes = HttpRoutes.of[IO] {
case GET -> Root => Ok(html.index())
case req @ POST -> Root / "generate" =>
req.decode[Multipart[IO]] { m =>
m.parts.find(_.name == Some("template")) match {
case None => BadRequest("Missing template file")
case Some(templatePart) => {
val templateByteStream = for {
byte <- templatePart.body
} yield byte
m.parts.find(_.name == Some("data")) match {
case Some(datapart) =>
val dataLineStream = for {
line <- datapart.body.through(utf8.decode)
} yield line
Ok {
for {
templateBytes <- templateByteStream.compile.toList
datalines <- dataLineStream.compile.toList
templateSize = templateBytes.size
dataLineCount = datalines.size
} yield s"template size $templateSize && dataline count $dataLineCount"
case None => BadRequest("Missing data file")
Because you are reading the whole data as a single string, maybe you also wanted to through(text.lines)
Credits: "Luis Miguel Mejía Suárez"