I'm trying to solve the classical 'Transportation theory' to optimize the production and transportation of goods from 3 factories to 4 distribution centers, through 2 weeks.
There are:
I'm able to solve it with Pyomo:
from pyomo.environ import *
import pyomo.environ as pyo
model = ConcreteModel()
model.T = Set(initialize=[1, 2]) #Weeks
model.i = Set(initialize=['Factory A','Factory B', 'Factory C'])
model.j = Set(initialize=['DC 1', 'DC 2', 'DC 3', 'DC 4'])
model.a = Param(model.T, model.i, initialize={(1, 'Factory A'): 1000, (1, 'Factory B'): 4000, (1, 'Factory C'): 2000, \
(2, 'Factory A'): 1050, (2, 'Factory B'): 4050, (2, 'Factory C'): 2050}) #Weekly_capacities
model.b = Param(model.T, model.j, initialize={(1, 'DC 1'): 500, (1, 'DC 2'): 900, (1, 'DC 3'): 1800, (1, 'DC 4'):200, \
(2, 'DC 1'): 600, (2, 'DC 2'): 800, (2, 'DC 3'): 1900, (2, 'DC 4'): 150}) #Weekly_demands
# Transportation costs
costs = {(1, 'Factory A', 'DC 1'): 2,(1, 'Factory A', 'DC 2'): 4, (1, 'Factory A', 'DC 3'): 5, (1, 'Factory A', 'DC 4'): 2, \
(1, 'Factory B', 'DC 1'): 3, (1, 'Factory B', 'DC 2'): 1, (1, 'Factory B', 'DC 3'): 3, (1, 'Factory B', 'DC 4'): 2, \
(1, 'Factory C', 'DC 1'): 1, (1, 'Factory C', 'DC 2'): 3, (1, 'Factory C', 'DC 3'): 3, (1, 'Factory C', 'DC 4'): 1,
(2, 'Factory A', 'DC 1'): 1, (2, 'Factory A', 'DC 2'): 3, (2, 'Factory A', 'DC 3'): 4, (2, 'Factory A', 'DC 4'): 1, \
(2, 'Factory B', 'DC 1'): 4, (2, 'Factory B', 'DC 2'): 2, (2, 'Factory B', 'DC 3'): 1, (2, 'Factory B', 'DC 4'): 3, \
(2, 'Factory C', 'DC 1'): 2, (2, 'Factory C', 'DC 2'): 5, (2, 'Factory C', 'DC 3'): 1, (2, 'Factory C', 'DC 4'): 3}
model.d = Param(model.T, model.i, model.j, initialize=costs)
def f_costs(model, T, i, j):
return model.d[T, i,j]
model.c = Param(model.T, model.i, model.j, initialize=f_costs)
model.x = Var(model.T, model.i, model.j, bounds=(0.0,None)) #Production
def f_supply(model, T, i):
return sum(model.x[T,i,j] for j in model.j) <= model.a[T,i]
model.supply = Constraint(model.T, model.i, rule=f_supply)
def f_demand(model, T, j):
return sum(model.x[T,i,j] for i in model.i) >= model.b[T,j]
model.demand = Constraint(model.T, model.j, rule=f_demand)
def f_objetive(model):
return sum(model.c[T,i,j]*model.x[T,i,j] for T in model.T for i in model.i for j in model.j)
model.objetive = Objective(rule=f_objetive, sense=minimize)
def pyomo_postprocess(options=None, instance=None, results=None):
opt = SolverFactory("glpk")
results = opt.solve(model)
pyomo_postprocess(None, None, results)
x : Size=24, Index=x_index
Key : Lower : Value : Upper : Fixed : Stale : Domain
(1, 'Factory A', 'DC 1') : 0.0 : 0.0 : None : False : False : Reals
(1, 'Factory A', 'DC 2') : 0.0 : 0.0 : None : False : False : Reals
(1, 'Factory A', 'DC 3') : 0.0 : 0.0 : None : False : False : Reals
(1, 'Factory A', 'DC 4') : 0.0 : 0.0 : None : False : False : Reals
(1, 'Factory B', 'DC 1') : 0.0 : 0.0 : None : False : False : Reals
(1, 'Factory B', 'DC 2') : 0.0 : 900.0 : None : False : False : Reals
(1, 'Factory B', 'DC 3') : 0.0 : 500.0 : None : False : False : Reals
(1, 'Factory B', 'DC 4') : 0.0 : 0.0 : None : False : False : Reals
(1, 'Factory C', 'DC 1') : 0.0 : 500.0 : None : False : False : Reals
(1, 'Factory C', 'DC 2') : 0.0 : 0.0 : None : False : False : Reals
(1, 'Factory C', 'DC 3') : 0.0 : 1300.0 : None : False : False : Reals
(1, 'Factory C', 'DC 4') : 0.0 : 200.0 : None : False : False : Reals
(2, 'Factory A', 'DC 1') : 0.0 : 600.0 : None : False : False : Reals
(2, 'Factory A', 'DC 2') : 0.0 : 0.0 : None : False : False : Reals
(2, 'Factory A', 'DC 3') : 0.0 : 0.0 : None : False : False : Reals
(2, 'Factory A', 'DC 4') : 0.0 : 150.0 : None : False : False : Reals
(2, 'Factory B', 'DC 1') : 0.0 : 0.0 : None : False : False : Reals
(2, 'Factory B', 'DC 2') : 0.0 : 800.0 : None : False : False : Reals
(2, 'Factory B', 'DC 3') : 0.0 : 1900.0 : None : False : False : Reals
(2, 'Factory B', 'DC 4') : 0.0 : 0.0 : None : False : False : Reals
(2, 'Factory C', 'DC 1') : 0.0 : 0.0 : None : False : False : Reals
(2, 'Factory C', 'DC 2') : 0.0 : 0.0 : None : False : False : Reals
(2, 'Factory C', 'DC 3') : 0.0 : 0.0 : None : False : False : Reals
(2, 'Factory C', 'DC 4') : 0.0 : 0.0 : None : False : False : Reals
However, I'm struggling to write a constraint that creates an extra cost if the factory must be started up in the second week. This is, in the example 'Factory A' had null production in the first week, but it had 600+150 items in the second week. The model should introduce a fixed cost of $100 for such 'Factory A', thereby modifying the possible outcomes.
I guess that I should create that constraint by comparing the production in period 'T' with period 'T-1', but I'm not able to write it.
This is all doable. A couple of key ingredients...
and t-1
, which is your "startup" variable.model.x[t-1]
or something like that. You can also use a couple of neat methods of a pyomo.Set
including first()
and prev()
(there is also last()
and next()
, but those aren't needed here). This requires the index set is ordered, which is the default and is the order you initialized the set, which, coincidentally, is sorted.default=
which will cover missing values. (see code, I introduced a 3rd week)A couple of nits/reminders:
or such just because I get confused by the name repetition between variable, function, and constraint name, but to each his own.black
(and then tweaked a bit). I'm still experimenting with that, but I like the way it lines up dictionaries for QA and then I can "fold" them in most IDE/editorsfrom pyomo.environ import *
#import pyomo.environ as pyo # don't import twice... I prefer this way, but you were using without prefix.
model = ConcreteModel()
# Transportation costs
costs = {
(1, "Factory A", "DC 1"): 2,
(1, "Factory A", "DC 2"): 4,
(1, "Factory A", "DC 3"): 5,
(1, "Factory A", "DC 4"): 2,
(1, "Factory B", "DC 1"): 3,
(1, "Factory B", "DC 2"): 1,
(1, "Factory B", "DC 3"): 3,
(1, "Factory B", "DC 4"): 2,
(1, "Factory C", "DC 1"): 1,
(1, "Factory C", "DC 2"): 3,
(1, "Factory C", "DC 3"): 3,
(1, "Factory C", "DC 4"): 1,
(2, "Factory A", "DC 1"): 1,
(2, "Factory A", "DC 2"): 3,
(2, "Factory A", "DC 3"): 4,
(2, "Factory A", "DC 4"): 1,
(2, "Factory B", "DC 1"): 4,
(2, "Factory B", "DC 2"): 2,
(2, "Factory B", "DC 3"): 1,
(2, "Factory B", "DC 4"): 3,
(2, "Factory C", "DC 1"): 2,
(2, "Factory C", "DC 2"): 5,
(2, "Factory C", "DC 3"): 1,
(2, "Factory C", "DC 4"): 3,
(3, "Factory A", "DC 3"): 2,
(3, "Factory B", "DC 3"): 1,
capacities = {
(1, "Factory A"): 1000,
(1, "Factory B"): 4000,
(1, "Factory C"): 2000,
(2, "Factory A"): 1050,
(2, "Factory B"): 4050,
(2, "Factory C"): 2050,
(3, "Factory A"): 1000,
(3, "Factory B"): 500,
demand= {
(1, "DC 1"): 500,
(1, "DC 2"): 900,
(1, "DC 3"): 1800,
(1, "DC 4"): 200,
(2, "DC 1"): 600,
(2, "DC 2"): 800,
(2, "DC 3"): 1900,
(2, "DC 4"): 150,
(3, "DC 3"): 200,
startup_cost = 4
M_prod = max(capacities.values()) # big M value for max production capacity for constraint use
model.T = Set(initialize=[1, 2, 3]) # Weeks
model.F = Set(initialize=["Factory A", "Factory B", "Factory C"]) # Factory
model.D = Set(initialize=["DC 1", "DC 2", "DC 3", "DC 4"]) # Destination
model.cap = Param(model.T, model.F, initialize=capacities, default=0)
model.demand = Param(model.T, model.D, initialize=demand, default=0)
model.cost = Param(model.T, model.F, model.D, initialize=costs, default=10)
model.x = Var(model.T, model.F, model.D, bounds=(0.0, None)) # Production
model.running = Var(model.F, model.T, within=Binary) # factory f running in period t
model.startup = Var(model.F, model.T, within=Binary) # startup cost induced in period t by factory f
def f_supply(model, t, f):
return sum(model.x[t, f, d] for d in model.D) <= model.cap[t, f]
model.supply = Constraint(model.T, model.F, rule=f_supply)
def f_demand(model, t, d):
return sum(model.x[t, f, d] for f in model.F) >= model.demand[t, d]
model.meet_demand = Constraint(model.T, model.D, rule=f_demand)
# new constraints....
# use a big-M constraint to capture whether a factory is running in period t
def running(model, f, t):
return sum(model.x[t, f, d] for d in model.D) <= model.running[f, t] * M_prod
model.factory_on = Constraint(model.F, model.T, rule=running)
# link the change in the running variable to the startup cost variable
def startup(model, f, t):
# handle the first time period seperately.... If it's running, it started in first period
if t == model.T.first():
return model.startup[f, t] >= model.running[f, t]
# look to the previous period's running value to infer startup
return model.startup[f, t] >= model.running[f, t] - model.running[f, model.T.prev(t)]
model.startup_cost_constraint = Constraint(model.F, model.T, rule=startup)
def f_objetive(model):
return sum(
model.cost[t, f, d] * model.x[t, f, d] + startup_cost * model.startup[f, t]
for t in model.T
for f in model.F
for d in model.D
model.objetive = Objective(rule=f_objetive, sense=minimize)
def pyomo_postprocess(options=None, instance=None, results=None):
for idx in model.x.index_set():
if model.x[idx]:
print(f'deliver: {idx}, {value(model.x[idx])}')
for idx in model.startup.index_set():
if model.startup[idx]:
print(f'startup: {idx}')
opt = SolverFactory("glpk")
results = opt.solve(model)
pyomo_postprocess(None, None, results)
- Name: unknown
Lower bound: 11498.0
Upper bound: 11498.0
Number of objectives: 1
Number of constraints: 40
Number of variables: 55
Number of nonzeros: 142
Sense: minimize
- Status: ok
Termination condition: optimal
Branch and bound:
Number of bounded subproblems: 9
Number of created subproblems: 9
Error rc: 0
Time: 0.010598897933959961
- number of solutions: 0
number of solutions displayed: 0
deliver: (1, 'Factory B', 'DC 2'), 900.0
deliver: (1, 'Factory B', 'DC 3'), 1800.0
deliver: (1, 'Factory C', 'DC 1'), 500.0
deliver: (1, 'Factory C', 'DC 4'), 200.0
deliver: (2, 'Factory A', 'DC 1'), 600.0
deliver: (2, 'Factory A', 'DC 4'), 150.0
deliver: (2, 'Factory B', 'DC 2'), 800.0
deliver: (2, 'Factory B', 'DC 3'), 1900.0
deliver: (3, 'Factory B', 'DC 3'), 200.0
startup: ('Factory A', 2)
startup: ('Factory B', 1)
startup: ('Factory C', 1)
[Finished in 619ms]