As the title says it, I'm wondering why I cannot remove gridlines from the chart area on gvisLineChart objects in R. I've had a read through the documentation and tried using the respective commands written there - namely:
options = list(
hAxis.gridlines = "{color:'transparent', count:0}",
vAxis.gridlines = "{color:'transparent', count:0}"
I also tried implementing the suggested solutions in this stackoverflow thread, but none of it has worked. Below is a snippet of the code I am using to construct the line chart, as well as an overview of my data & a screenshot of the resulting plot.
Here is my data:
> str(df)
'data.frame': 5715 obs. of 2 variables:
$ Date: Date, format: "2022-07-21" "2022-07-20" "2022-07-19" "2022-07-18" ...
$ Open: num 14.4 14 14.2 15.3 13.7 ...
Here is the code I am using to build the plot:
p <- gvisLineChart(
title="SIGA Historic Price Chart",
lineWidth = 1,
height = 450,
width = 900,
hAxis.gridlines = "{color:'transparent', count:3}",
vAxis.gridlines = "{color:'transparent', count:3}",
series = "[{color: '#00D1B2'}]",
chartArea = "{width:\"85%\",height:\"70%\"}",
tooltip = "{textStyle: {color: 'black'}, showColorCode: true}"
Here is a screenshot of the resulting plot:
I want to remove these gridlines, the axis ticks and the bold horizontal line that goes through y=0 to give the plot a very minimalistic look. How can I do this with R, granted that I've exhausted the above mentioned suggestions to no avail? Thanks.
try the following format, to ensure hAxis
exists as an object...
hAxis = "{gridlines: {color:'transparent', count:0}}",
to remove the lines but keep the labels, remove count: 0
to change the color of the baseline (bold horizontal line going through y = 0),
use option baselineColor
hAxis = "{baselineColor: 'transparent', gridlines: {color:'transparent'}}",