I'm trying to create a single file executable for my console application. The problem is that logging files are not created for some reason. If I run application in Visual studios, simple debug mode then everything works fine, I can see log file appear in the \bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1 folder.
This is what publishing settings I use
I am using NLog for logging, and that's how my code looks regarding that
services.AddLogging(builder =>
LogManager.Configuration = new NLogLoggingConfiguration(config.GetSection("NLog"));
and thats appsettings.json where I hold my nlog configurations
"NLog": {
"targets": {
"console": {
"type": "ColoredConsole",
"layout": "${longdate}| ${uppercase:${level}}| ${message} ${exception:format=tostring}",
"rowHighlightingRules": [
"condition": "level == LogLevel.Trace",
"foregroundColor": "DarkGray"
"condition": "level == LogLevel.Debug",
"foregroundColor": "DarkGray"
"condition": "level == LogLevel.Info",
"foregroundColor": "White"
"condition": "level == LogLevel.Warn",
"foregroundColor": "Yellow"
"condition": "level == LogLevel.Error",
"foregroundColor": "Red"
"condition": "level == LogLevel.Fatal",
"foregroundColor": "Red"
"allLogFile": {
"type": "file",
"fileName": "${basedir}/logs/allLog.txt",
"archiveFileName": "${basedir}/logs/allLog.{#}.txt",
"archiveNumbering": "Date",
"archiveEvery": "Day",
"archiveDateFormat": "yyyyMMdd",
"layout": "${longdate}| ${uppercase:${level}}| ${logger}| ${message} ${exception:format=tostring}"
"importantLogFile": {
"type": "file",
"fileName": "${basedir}/logs/importantLog.txt",
"archiveFileName": "${basedir}/logs/importantLog.{#}.txt",
"archiveNumbering": "Date",
"archiveEvery": "Day",
"archiveDateFormat": "yyyyMMdd",
"layout": "${longdate}| ${uppercase:${level}}| ${logger}| ${message} ${exception:format=tostring}"
"rules": [
"levels": "Info, Warning, Error, Fatal",
"logger": "*",
"writeTo": "console"
"logger": "*",
"minLevel": "Trace",
"writeTo": "allLogFile"
"levels": "Debug, Error, Fatal",
"logger": "*",
"writeTo": "importantLogFile"
Found the solution after hours and hours of struggle.
so my allLog.txt file path was "fileName": "${basedir}/logs/allLog.txt"
apparently if one file executable is created ${basedir} will become something into like C:\Users\my_username\AppData\Local\Temp\.net\my_project_name\VnUDuP7f4QxGtrsSuaNaBXA_wxhYftr=\
, so to fix that I need to use ${basedir:fixtempdir=true}
instead of ${basedir}
so full path would be ${basedir:fixtempdir=true}/logs/allLog.txt