I have this function to convert hex to double. The values are some coordinates so the latitude should be a positive number and longitude a negative one.
Something like this:
41.43757591162915, -8.418569400003188
For the Latitude works fine, but returns the error when trying to convert the Longitude.
Expected value: -8.418569400003188
converting from C020D67F4DBDF8F5
I read about this error and it seems it's because the value goes outside the limits of the range.
double convert(String hexString) =>
(ByteData(8)..setUint64(0, int.parse(hexString, radix: 16)))
void _processHexDouble(hexString, _regexVar, String name, String _toSplit) {
final a = _regexVar.firstMatch(hexString);
final _matchedRegex = a?.group(0); //A9C020D67F4DBDF8F5
// var number = 0.0;
try {
if (_matchedRegex != null) {
var _splitRegex = _matchedRegex.split(_toSplit);
print('$name -> ${convert(_splitRegex[1])}'); //C020D67F4DBDF8F5
// print('$name -> ${number}');
_logResponses =
"${_logResponses} $name -> ${convert(_splitRegex[1])} \n";
} on Exception catch (e) {
How can I fix this without firing this error? Is there a way to limit the size of the value at the conversion, so it's smaller than the limits?
Check the updated solution added to my answer to your previous question (added after feedback from lrn): https://stackoverflow.com/a/73065950/1953515
It fixes the issue:
import 'dart:typed_data';
void main() {
print(convert('C020D67F4DBDF8F5')); // -8.418940000000001
double convert(String hexString) {
final String hexStringPadded = hexString.padLeft(16, '0');
return (ByteData(8)
..setInt32(0, int.parse(hexStringPadded.substring(0, 8), radix: 16))
..setInt32(4, int.parse(hexStringPadded.substring(8, 16), radix: 16)))