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convert longtable to sidewaystable in latex

I have a table below which I would like to fit in 1 page, I guess using sidewaystable may help, and additionally need to arrange the week range like below. Any help would be appreciated, many thanks in advance.

0 - <2 weeks 
1 – 2-4 weeks 
3 - >4 weeks

\usepackage{graphicx,color,epstopdf,setspace} %
%\settowidth\mylen{Demirguc-Kunt A;}

            {   >{\raggedright\arraybackslash}p{2cm}
            \caption{Description of established and modified scoring in Keith Edwards TB Score, The Union Desk Guide and the New World Health Organization (WHO) Algorithm}
            & Keith Edwards TB Score (1994) & Modified Keith Edwards TB Score & Union Desk Guide (2016)
            & Modified Union Desk Guide & New WHO Algorithm (2022) & New WHO Algorithm (2022)  \\ 
            & Keith Edwards TB Score (1994) & Modified Keith Edwards TB Score & Union Desk Guide (2016)
            & 1 & 2 & 3 \\ 
            Diagnostic feature 
            & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Scoring system (points-based)} 
            & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Diagnostic guide}
            & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Operational algorithm} \\
            & 0 - <2 weeks   
            1 – 2-4 weeks
            3 - >4 weeks
            & 0 – $\le$2 weeks 
            2 – >2 weeks
            &  0 – $\le$2 weeks 
            2 – >2 weeks           
            &  0 – $\le$2 weeks 
            2 – >2 weeks   
            &  0 – $\le$2 weeks 
            2 – >2 weeks
            &  0 – $\le$2 weeks 
            2 – >2 weeks \\ 
            & 0 - <2 weeks
            1 – 2-4 weeks
            3 - >4 weeks      
            &  0 – $\le$2 weeks 
            2 – >2 weeks    
            &   0 – $\le$2 weeks 
            2 – >2 weeks    
            & 0 – $\le$2 weeks 
            2 – >2 weeks  
            & 0 – $\le$2 weeks
            1 – >2 weeks
            & 0 – $\le$2 weeks
            5 – >2 weeks \\ 
            Weight loss 
            & 3 - malnutrition not improving after four weeks of nutritional rehabilitation 
            & Excluded ** 
            & 0 – not reported
            1 – reported    
            & 0 – not reported
            1 – reported 
            & 0 – not reported
            1 – reported     
            & 0 – not reported
            1 – reported \\
            Night sweats 
            &  0 - <2 weeks
            1 – 2-4 weeks
            3 - >4 weeks 
            &  0 - $\leq$ 2 weeks
            2 – >2 weeks        
            &  0 - $\leq$ 2 weeks
            2 – >2 weeks
            &  0 - $\leq$ 2 weeks
            2 – >2 weeks 
            &  0 - $\leq$ 2 weeks
            2 – >2 weeks
            &  0 - $\leq$ 2 weeks
            2 – >2 weeks \\
            Swollen lymph nodes 
            &  0 – not present
            3 – present 
            & 0 – not present
            3 – present     
            & Not specified
            & 0 – not present
            1 – present     
            & 0 – not reported
            4 – reported
            &  0 – not reported
            4 – reported \\
            TB contact 
            & 0 – no family history of TB
            1 – contact with sputum smear negative TB
            3 – contact with sputum smear positive TB 
            &  0 – no family history of TB
            3* – known TB contact of either sputum smear positive or negative
            &  0 – no TB contact history
            1 – TB contact history
            & 0 – no TB contact history
            1 – TB contact history
            & 0 – no TB contact history in previous 12 months 
            0 – TB contact history in previous 12 months without persistent symptoms
            0 – no TB contact history in previous 12 months 
            & 0 – no TB contact history in previous 12 months 
            0 – TB contact history in previous 12 months without persistent symptoms
            Treat - TB contact history in previous 12 months with persistent symptoms\\
            Weight-for-age (WFA)
            & 0 - >80\% expected WFA
            1 - 60-80\% WFA
            3 - <60\% WFA   
            & 0 - $\ge$15th WFA percentile 
            1 - 3-14th percentile
            3 - < 3rd percentile  
            & N/A 
            & N/A
            & Severe Acute Malnutrition – eligible to progress to through until the end of the algorithm
            &  < 3rd percentile - eligible to progress to through until the end of the algorithm  \\
            & N/A
            & N/A  
            & N/A***
            & N/A
            & HIV positive - eligible to progress to through until the end of the algorithm
            & HIV positive - eligible to progress to through until the end of the algorithm  \\
            TB Infection 
            & 3 – positive tuberculin skin test
            &  Excluded 
            &  N/A
            & N/A
            & N/A
            & N/A \\
            Chest x-ray findings
            & N/A
            & N/A
            &  0 – Not suggestive of TB or nor done
            1 – Suggestive of TB    
            & 0 – Not suggestive of TB or nor done
            1 – Suggestive of TB    
            & 0 – Not suggestive
            6 – Cavities
            17 – Enlarged lymph nodes
            5 – Opacities
            15 – Miliary pattern
            8 – Effusion    
            & 0 – Not suggestive
            6 – Cavities
            17 – Enlarged lymph nodes
            5 – Opacities
            15 – Miliary pattern
            8 – Effusion  \\
            Specimen for smear/Xpert
            & N/A
            & N/A   
            &  0 – Sputum smear/ Xpert negative or not done
            1 – Sputum smear or Xpert positive      
            & 0 – Sputum smear/ Xpert/culture negative or not done
            1 – Sputum smear/ Xpert/culture positive        
            & 0 – Sputum smear/ Xpert negative or not done
            Treat – Sputum smear or Xpert positive
            & 0 – Xpert/culture negative or not done
            Treat - Xpert/culture positive \\
            Central nervous system: change in temperament, fits +/- abnormal cerebrospinal fluid findings
            & 3
            & 3 
            & N/A 
            & N/A
            & N/A
            & N/A \\
            Joint swelling, bone swelling, sinuses 
            & 3
            & 3
            & N/A
            & N/A
            & N/A
            & N/A \\
            Unexplained abdominal mass, ascites
            & 3
            & 3 
            & N/A
            & N/A
            & N/A
            & N/A \\
            Angle deformity of spine
            & 4
            & 4  
            & N/A  
            & N/A
            & N/A
            & N/A  \\
            Score interpretation
            & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Treat if score is $\ge$7} 
            & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Treat if $\ge$2 features are present}
            & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Treat if $\ge$2 features are present} \\


  • Pre-remarks

    • all your table lacks appropriate use of math mode around -, <, > etc. signs to get proper minus signs instead of hyphens and proper spacing, but I'm too lazy to fix such an enormous table.

    • \footnotesize is a macro and NOT an environment.

    You could use the pdflscape package to rotate the pages:

    \usepackage{graphicx,color,epstopdf,setspace} %
    %\settowidth\mylen{Demirguc-Kunt A;}
                {   >{\raggedright\arraybackslash}p{2cm}
                \caption{Description of established and modified scoring in Keith Edwards TB Score, The Union Desk Guide and the New World Health Organization (WHO) Algorithm}
                & Keith Edwards TB Score (1994) & Modified Keith Edwards TB Score & Union Desk Guide (2016)
                & Modified Union Desk Guide & New WHO Algorithm (2022) & New WHO Algorithm (2022)  \\ 
                & Keith Edwards TB Score (1994) & Modified Keith Edwards TB Score & Union Desk Guide (2016)
                & 1 & 2 & 3 \\ 
                Diagnostic feature 
                & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Scoring system (points-based)} 
                & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Diagnostic guide}
                & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Operational algorithm} \\
                & 0 - <2 weeks\linebreak   
                1 – 2-4 weeks\linebreak  
                3 - >4 weeks\linebreak  
                & 0 – $\le$2 weeks\linebreak  
                2 – >2 weeks\linebreak  
                &  0 – $\le$2 weeks\linebreak  
                2 – >2 weeks\linebreak  
                &  0 – $\le$2 weeks\linebreak  
                2 – >2 weeks\linebreak  
                &  0 – $\le$2 weeks\linebreak  
                2 – >2 weeks\linebreak  
                &  0 – $\le$2 weeks\linebreak  
                2 – >2 weeks \\ 
                & 0 - <2 weeks\linebreak  
                1 – 2-4 weeks\linebreak  
                3 - >4 weeks\linebreak        
                &  0 – $\le$2 weeks\linebreak   
                2 – >2 weeks\linebreak      
                &   0 – $\le$2 weeks\linebreak   
                2 – >2 weeks\linebreak      
                & 0 – $\le$2 weeks\linebreak   
                2 – >2 weeks\linebreak    
                & 0 – $\le$2 weeks\linebreak  
                1 – >2 weeks\linebreak  
                & 0 – $\le$2 weeks\linebreak  
                5 – >2 weeks \\ 
                Weight loss 
                & 3 - malnutrition not improving after four weeks of nutritional rehabilitation 
                & Excluded ** 
                & 0 – not reported\linebreak  
                1 – reported    
                & 0 – not reported\linebreak  
                1 – reported 
                & 0 – not reported\linebreak  
                1 – reported     
                & 0 – not reported\linebreak  
                1 – reported \\
                Night sweats 
                &  0 - <2 weeks\linebreak  
                1 – 2-4 weeks\linebreak  
                3 - >4 weeks\linebreak   
                &  0 - $\leq$ 2 weeks\linebreak  
                2 – >2 weeks\linebreak          
                &  0 - $\leq$ 2 weeks\linebreak  
                2 – >2 weeks\linebreak  
                &  0 - $\leq$ 2 weeks\linebreak  
                2 – >2 weeks\linebreak   
                &  0 - $\leq$ 2 weeks\linebreak  
                2 – >2 weeks\linebreak  
                &  0 - $\leq$ 2 weeks\linebreak  
                2 – >2 weeks \\
                Swollen lymph nodes 
                &  0 – not present\linebreak
                3 – present 
                & 0 – not present\linebreak
                3 – present     
                & Not specified
                & 0 – not present\linebreak
                1 – present     
                & 0 – not reported\linebreak
                4 – reported
                &  0 – not reported\linebreak
                4 – reported \\
                TB contact 
                & 0 – no family history of TB
                1 – contact with sputum smear negative TB
                3 – contact with sputum smear positive TB 
                &  0 – no family history of TB
                3* – known TB contact of either sputum smear positive or negative
                &  0 – no TB contact history
                1 – TB contact history
                & 0 – no TB contact history
                1 – TB contact history
                & 0 – no TB contact history in previous 12 months 
                0 – TB contact history in previous 12 months without persistent symptoms
                0 – no TB contact history in previous 12 months 
                & 0 – no TB contact history in previous 12 months 
                0 – TB contact history in previous 12 months without persistent symptoms
                Treat - TB contact history in previous 12 months with persistent symptoms\\
                Weight-for-age (WFA)
                & 0 - >80\% expected WFA
                1 - 60-80\% WFA
                3 - <60\% WFA   
                & 0 - $\ge$15th WFA percentile 
                1 - 3-14th percentile
                3 - < 3rd percentile  
                & N/A 
                & N/A
                & Severe Acute Malnutrition – eligible to progress to through until the end of the algorithm
                &  < 3rd percentile - eligible to progress to through until the end of the algorithm  \\
                & N/A
                & N/A  
                & N/A***
                & N/A
                & HIV positive - eligible to progress to through until the end of the algorithm
                & HIV positive - eligible to progress to through until the end of the algorithm  \\
                TB Infection 
                & 3 – positive tuberculin skin test
                &  Excluded 
                &  N/A
                & N/A
                & N/A
                & N/A \\
                Chest x-ray findings
                & N/A
                & N/A
                &  0 – Not suggestive of TB or nor done
                1 – Suggestive of TB    
                & 0 – Not suggestive of TB or nor done
                1 – Suggestive of TB    
                & 0 – Not suggestive
                6 – Cavities
                17 – Enlarged lymph nodes
                5 – Opacities
                15 – Miliary pattern
                8 – Effusion    
                & 0 – Not suggestive
                6 – Cavities
                17 – Enlarged lymph nodes
                5 – Opacities
                15 – Miliary pattern
                8 – Effusion  \\
                Specimen for smear/Xpert
                & N/A
                & N/A   
                &  0 – Sputum smear/ Xpert negative or not done
                1 – Sputum smear or Xpert positive      
                & 0 – Sputum smear/ Xpert/culture negative or not done
                1 – Sputum smear/ Xpert/culture positive        
                & 0 – Sputum smear/ Xpert negative or not done
                Treat – Sputum smear or Xpert positive
                & 0 – Xpert/culture negative or not done
                Treat - Xpert/culture positive \\
                Central nervous system: change in temperament, fits +/- abnormal cerebrospinal fluid findings
                & 3
                & 3 
                & N/A 
                & N/A
                & N/A
                & N/A \\
                Joint swelling, bone swelling, sinuses 
                & 3
                & 3
                & N/A
                & N/A
                & N/A
                & N/A \\
                Unexplained abdominal mass, ascites
                & 3
                & 3 
                & N/A
                & N/A
                & N/A
                & N/A \\
                Angle deformity of spine
                & 4
                & 4  
                & N/A  
                & N/A
                & N/A
                & N/A  \\
                Score interpretation
                & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Treat if score is $\ge$7} 
                & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Treat if $\ge$2 features are present}
                & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Treat if $\ge$2 features are present} \\