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How to instruct cron to execute a job in airflow Run every 3rd Jan, 3rd April, 3rd July, 3rd Oct at 11:00 AM UTC Time Zone

How to instruct cron to execute a job in airflow Run every 22nd Jan, 22nd April, 22nd July, 22nd Oct at 11:00 AM UTC Time Zone.

I have written below cron command to execute in airflow but it is not running at per scheudled

schedule_interval="0 11 22 1/3 *"


  • A cron-to-human-translator such as is a convenient tool for writing cron expressions:

    0 11 22 1,4,7,10 *
    • 0 = Minute 0
    • 11 = Hour 11
    • 22 = Day 22
    • 1,4,7,10 = Months January, April, July, and October
    • * = Any day of the week

    By default, UTC is applied in Airflow, but you can configure this globally (AIRFLOW__CORE__DEFAULT_TIMEZONE), or per DAG. See documentation: