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c# blazor Can't pass "i" into function, any other way?

I want to pass "i" as a parameter on @onclick="()=>ButtonToggle(i)", that seems to not work, is there an intended way to do it? Like store the "i" as element id and then referencing the id in "ButtonToggle(ElementIdReference)"?

Note: I know it can be done with components, I'm trying to keep it as simple as possible that's why im not using them in this case.

@for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        <button  style='@(ChosenKanas[i] == true ? "background-color: hotpink;" : "")' @onclick="()=>ButtonToggle(i)"  >@MainHiraganas[0,0]/@MainHiraganas[i,0]</button>


  • It's called "closing over the loop variable".

    @for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        int iCopy = i; 
        <button  style='@(ChosenKanas[i] == true ? "background-color: hotpink;" : "")' 

    the iCopy is needed on the right side of the =>