I have this TreeItem:
class QJsonTreeItem(object):
def __init__(self, data, parent=None):
self._parent = parent
self._key = ""
self._value = ""
self._type = None
self._children = list()
self.itemData = data
def data(self, column):
if column is 0:
return self.key
elif column is 1:
return self.value
def setData(self, column, value):
if column is 0:
self.key = value
if column is 1:
self.value = value
def insertChildren(self, position, rows, columns):
if position < 0 or position > len(self._children):
return False
for row in range(rows):
data = [None for v in range(columns)]
item = QJsonTreeItem(data, self)
self._children.insert(position, item)
return True
And custom QAbstractItemModel:
class QJsonTreeModel(QAbstractItemModel):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(QJsonTreeModel, self).__init__(parent)
self._rootItem = QJsonTreeItem(["Key", "Value"])
self._headers = ("Key", "Value")
def data(self, index, role):
if not index.isValid():
return None
if role != Qt.DisplayRole and role != Qt.EditRole:
return None
item = index.internalPointer()
if role == Qt.DisplayRole or role == Qt.EditRole:
if index.column() == 0:
return item.data(index.column())
if index.column() == 1:
return item.value
return None
def getItem(self, index):
if index.isValid():
item = index.internalPointer()
if item:
return item
return self._rootItem
def setData(self, index, value, role):
if role == Qt.EditRole:
item = index.internalPointer()
item.setData(index.column(), value)
self.dataChanged.emit(index, index, [Qt.EditRole])
return True
return False
def parent(self, index):
if not index.isValid():
return QModelIndex()
childItem = index.internalPointer()
parentItem = childItem.parent()
if parentItem == self._rootItem:
return QModelIndex()
return self.createIndex(parentItem.row(), 0, parentItem)
def insertRows(self, position, rows, parent, *args, **kwargs):
parentItem = self.getItem(parent)
self.beginInsertRows(parent, position, position + rows - 1)
success = parentItem.insertChildren(position, rows, self._rootItem.columnCount())
return success
And in my MainWindow file there is a button for adding new items in QTreeView which looks like this:
self.treeView = QTreeView()
self.model = QJsonTreeModel()
rightClickMenu = QMenu()
actionAddItem = rightClickMenu.addAction(self.tr("Add Item"))
def treeAddItem(self):
index = self.treeView.selectionModel().currentIndex()
parent = index.parent()
if self.model.data(parent, Qt.EditRole) == None:
if not self.model.insertRow(index.row() + 1, parent):
for column in range(self.model.columnCount(parent)):
child = self.model.index(index.row() + 1, column, parent)
self.model.setData(child, "[No data]", Qt.EditRole)
except Exception as exception:
QMessageBox.about(self, "Exception", "Exception in treeAddItem() function: " + str(exception))
The question is can I somehow add not an "[No data]" string for QtreeView, but fo example an empty dict() or list()? As far as I understand it only adds an empty strings to the QTreeView, but my task still needs dictionaries and list. If it`s not possible my main idea is to get full tree back to dictionary and to work directly with dictionary items and then load back changed dict to tree, but it seems kinda "bad style".
Can someone help me with this task or offer another idea?
The soultion I did is this:
def setData(self, index, value, role=Qt.EditRole):
if role == Qt.EditRole:
item = index.internalPointer()
item.setData(index.column(), value)
self.dataChanged.emit(index, index, [Qt.EditRole])
return True
if role == Qt.DisplayRole:
item = index.internalPointer()
item.setData(index.column(), dict())
self.dataChanged.emit(index, index, [Qt.EditRole])
return True
if role == Qt.ToolTipRole:
item = index.internalPointer()
item.setData(index.column(), list())
self.dataChanged.emit(index, index, [Qt.EditRole])
return True
return False