I'm new to React and Ant Design.
I want to use a List that has a Checkbox for each item. As in the attached example:
<Checkbox indeterminate={indeterminate} onChange={onCheckAllChange} checked={checkAll}>
Check all
<Divider />
renderItem={value => (
<CheckboxGroup options={plainOptions} value={checkedList} onChange={onChange} />
However I would simply like to replace the CheckboxGroup with a Checkbox but I can't do it through the List.
Can someone show me a solution and explain to me?
I would like to eventually produce other things through this list. I'm not interested in the CheckboxGroup, I really want the List to deploy my items.
Thank you, Antoine (FR)
I think you can include the Checkbox components inside the List.Item and wrap the Checkbox.Group outside
Here is my example code https://codesandbox.io/s/basic-list-antd-4-21-7-forked-h6fejs?file=/demo.js