I am currently triggering an API call that returns an array of two objects. The trigger is instigated by user input and will yield an output after pressing a button
Here is the code:
const [curQuery, setCurQuery] = useState("");
const [curOutput, setCurOutput] = useState("Empty");
const handleClick = (query) => {
The current output log looks like this:
> (2) [myResults, myResults]
0: myResult
id: 00
description: "Here is the main description of Type 1"
1: myResult
id: 01
description: "Here is the main description of Type 2"
I am only interested in the description, I can currently access it like myOutput[0].description and myOutput[1].description to access the respective values, but would like to skim across all entries and collect the descriptions only.
One suggestion is to map over the array and collect the values as follows:
const descriptions = curOutput.map((v) => v.descriptions);
The issue is that this unfourtunetly crashes my program as my query is yet to be defined
return (
onChange={(e) => setCurQuery(e.target.value)}
onClick={() => {
Request Items based on query
As you can see above, I am setting the current query based on user input and then submitting that input once the user has finished typing.
How do I juggle these in order for my program to work and return the relevant descriptions based on the request?
You can add a fallback array in case the variable is not yet defined like this:
const descriptions = (curOutput || []).map((v) => v.descriptions);
Or just pass an empty array to useState's initial value
const [curOutput, setCurOutput] = useState([]);
Also keep in mind that your myApiCall.queryItems(curQuery)
might be async and for example returns a Promise
instead of returning the result directly. You could then do something like this:
myApiCall.queryItems(curQuery).then(result => setCurOutput(result));