I recently got started creating an app with flutter web. in my experience I am using a named navigator to navigate between pages. whatever name I give to the screen is the name that shows up in my URL.
for example if URL is https://www.example.com and Screen Name is home the URL when I navigate to this screen become https://www.example.com/home.
In my use case I hit an API on the splash screen which gets the contents of the next page and on flutter web if I was to reload my https://www.example.com/home page the screen is blank because it turns everything I got from the API into null.
Is there a way I can hide subdomain? so no matter which page the user is at he/she only sees the main domain https://www.example.com.
any help would be appreciated thanks.
PS: I already used setURLStrategy to remove the # symbol from my sub domains
Have you tried using non-named navigation like
Navigator.push, Navigator.pop
Looks like the path appears on the web when you use named routes.