Let's say I have a LinearGradient of 3 colors Red, Blue, and Green.
Can we possibly make the soft gradient between these 3 colors removed? I am trying to animate between hard and soft gradient of LinearGradient.
Something like this:
LinearGradient(colors: [.red, .blue, .green], startPoint: .trailing, endPoint: .leading)
You can use LinearGradient(stops: ) init. It will not give you a full hard edge, but quite close. You can then change the stop values or the array for animation.
struct ContentView: View {
let stops = [Gradient.Stop(color: Color.green, location: 0.0),
Gradient.Stop(color: Color.green, location: 0.33),
Gradient.Stop(color: Color.blue, location: 0.33),
Gradient.Stop(color: Color.blue, location: 0.66),
Gradient.Stop(color: Color.red, location: 0.66),
Gradient.Stop(color: Color.red, location: 1.0)]
var body: some View {
LinearGradient(stops: stops, startPoint: .trailing, endPoint: .leading)
.frame(height: 200)