I'm trying to save some data from API in a .json file using cy.writeFile method, but my code is replacing the existing data. What I need is to add additional data.
cy.intercept('POST', 'http://viasphere.localhost/sites/datatable').as('response')
cy.wait('@response').get('@response').then(xhr => {
let siteID = xhr.response.body.data[0].id
let creationDate = xhr.response.body.data[0].created_at
let RM = xhr.response.body.data[0].metal_rollout
let clientGroup = xhr.response.body.data[0].client_contact_group
cy.writeFile('SiteAPIdata.json', {siteID2: siteID})
After the run, the data existing inside the SiteAPIdata.json file is being replaced by the new data. The SiteAPIdata.json file is located in cypress/fixtures/ folder.
Thank you!
Assuming you want to append the new data to the existing data, that can easily be accomplished by using cy.readFile()
before writing.
cy.readFile('SiteAPIdata.json').then((data) => {
data.siteID = siteID;
cy.writeFile('SiteAPIdata.json', data);