I have a mail server that doesn't require auth. I have been using lettre
I followed there examples and tried to specify the port to 25, without passing creds. But it still fails with a timeout connecting to server. I believe that's because relay
forces tls of some kind
let tls = TlsParameters::builder("smtp.example.com".to_string())
let mailer = SmtpTransport::relay("smtp.example.com")
It shouldn't be using tls at all, but I don't know how to turn it off.
Is that possible or do I need a different crate
Lettre has its own function for insecure mail servers. Use builder_dangerous
. Per the docs:
Creates a new SMTP client
Defaults are:
- No authentication
- No TLS
- A 60 seconds timeout for smtp commands
- Port 25
Here's an example of what it would look like
let mailer = SmtpTransport::builder_dangerous("smtp.example.com")
Note that you can still build off of this and specify port, tls, and authentication.