I'm using the Nest client c# API (version to get elasticsearch (8.2.2) snapshots information.
response =
If I'm sending a rest request I'm sending query params to sort, order and set the max size of returned snapshots:
How can I do it using the API?
Accoring to the elasic team , the high level client is currently missing this functionalty. They will add this in a near release. For now it is possible to use the low level client, as they suggested:
var response = client.LowLevel.Snapshot.Get<GetSnapshotResponse>("a-repository", "*",
new Elasticsearch.Net.Specification.SnapshotApi.GetSnapshotRequestParameters
QueryString = new Dictionary<string, object>
{ "size", 3 },
{ "order", "desc" },
{ "sort", "start_time" }