My script is running through some sequential data generation steps that will finally produce a series of graphs. I want after each step to visualize the graphs that are available so far, but I only get a visualization after the script has completely finished.
This is my code:
from bokeh.plotting import curdoc, figure
import numpy as np
def plot_init(title):
global plot_circle
p = figure(title=title)
plot_circle =[],[])
def plot(data):
global plot_circle
plot_init("graph 1")
temp_x = np.random.rand(10)
temp_y = np.random.rand(10)
plot({'x': temp_x, 'y': temp_y})
plot_init("graph 2")
temp_x = np.random.rand(10)
temp_y = np.random.rand(10)
plot({'x': temp_x, 'y': temp_y})
I start the bokeh server like this: bokeh serve
This is what happens:
I'd expected after step 2. that the first graph would be displayed and after step 3 that the second graph would be added.
Most examples for 'streaming' data involve add_periodic_callback()
, but I don't see how this would fit in my application, because I don't handle data that is streaming in from some external data source, I'm just generating data in the flow of my script.
How can I visualize my data with incremental results?
Best regards, Vic
My problem was that curdoc() does not seem to communicate to the client right away when it's called:
So I constructed my script such that the data generation flow is in a separate thread and a series of data handling callbacks is triggered using buttons, to do the drawing. The callbacks wait for the data to be generated using a semaphore and likewise the data generation waits for the user pressing the button using another semaphore.
Perhaps I made it overly complicated, but it works exactly as I want. I have a single flow of data generation and I can after each step inspect the graph and push a button to continue with the next data generation step.
Data is transferred from the data generator thread to the data handler callbacks via global variables.
from bokeh.plotting import curdoc, figure
from bokeh.models import Button
import threading
import numpy as np
import time
handler_lock = threading.Semaphore(0) # handler waiting for data
generator_lock = threading.Semaphore(0) # generator waiting for user pushing the button
def data_handler():
global data
global title
global final
# wait until data is ready
print("Handler: waiting for data from generator")
print("Handler: handling data from generator")
# add new graph
p = figure(title=title)
plot_circle =[],[])
# add the button for the user to trigger the callback that will draw the next graph
if not final:
button = Button(label="Continue data generation", button_type="success")
# unlock the generator to continue generating data
print("Handler: unlocking generator")
# actual drawing is only done after the callback finishes!
def data_generation():
global data
global title
global final
final = False
# Data generation phase 1 (starts immediately!)
print("Generator: starting data generation")
temp_x = np.random.rand(10)
temp_y = np.random.rand(10)
#time.sleep(10) # pretending data generation takes long
print("Generator: Data generated, going to plot")
data = {'x': temp_x, 'y': temp_y}
title = "graph 1"
# unlock the bokeh callback that is waiting for data
print("Generator: Unlocking handler")
# lock the generator until the callback is done
print("Generator: waiting for handler to finish")
print("Generator: continuing generating data")
# Data generation phase 2
print("Generator: starting data generation")
temp_x = np.random.rand(10)
temp_y = np.random.rand(10)
#time.sleep(10) # pretending data generation takes long
print("Data generated, going to plot")
data = {'x': temp_x, 'y': temp_y}
title = "graph 2"
final = True # no button needed to continue
# unlock the bokeh callback that is waiting for data
print("Generator: unlocking handler")
# start data generation in a separate thread
t = threading.Thread(target=data_generation)
# draw the start button
button = Button(label="Start handling data", button_type="success")
# main script finishes here, but the generator thread is still running and
# iterative bokeh drawing is done in callbacks