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PHP ForEach Loop inside while Returning Duplicate Rows

I am trying to create a Nested Checkbox List in PHP. For this I have written Below Code with Multiple Nested foreach loop inside while

     $sql_concern="SELECT * FROM sister_concern  where Base_user='$User_id' And Status='Active'";
     $result_concern = mysqli_query($link,$sql_concern);
     if(mysqli_num_rows($result_concern) > 0){
         echo '<ul>';
         while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result_concern)){

             foreach($namearray as $data){
             echo '<li style="list-style-type:none;"><input type="checkbox" name="sister_concern" class="chkMainConcern" id="chkMainConcern'.$sisid.'" value="'.$sisid.'" > '.$name.' </li>';
             //fetch module Name for each concern
             $sql_module="SELECT * FROM Module where Status='Active'"; 
             $result_module = mysqli_query($link,$sql_module);
                //this one coming duplicate                                
                 echo '<ul class="modulename'.$sisid.'" style="display:none;">';
                 while($rowmodule = mysqli_fetch_array($result_module)){

                      foreach($modearray as $val){
                         //module name 
                         echo '<li style="list-style-type:none;"><input type="checkbox" value="'.$modid.'"> '.$rowmodule['Name'].' </li>'; 
                          //fetch module permission for each module
                          $sql_modhooks="SELECT * FROM Module_hooks where Status='Active' and ModuleID='$modid'";
                          $result_modhooks = mysqli_query($link,$sql_modhooks);
                          echo '<ul class="modulehooks'.$modid.'" style="display:none;">';
                          while($row_modhooks = mysqli_fetch_array($result_modhooks)){
                             echo '<li style="list-style-type:none;"><input type="checkbox"  value="'.$modid.'"> '.$row_modhooks['display_txt'].' </li>'; 
                          echo '</ul>';
                     echo '</ul>';
             echo '</ul>';
          echo 'No Concern Added Yet! Pls Add a Concer First';

It is giving me Output like this, Result is coming as expected. Only problem value from first foreach loop duplicating as growing. what's wrong in the code


  • $namearray[]=$name;

    This appends to the existing array. Do unset($namearray) before this statement and it should remove your duplicates I feel.