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Convert TCP/IP received ASCII to HEX and put it inside Bracket

My printer send me ASCII from TCP/IP port but I need to convert those ASCII to Hex and put it inside Bracket and display on textbox 2. when i run the following code for 0705 Hex it is showing ??75 on textbox 2. my desired output is [07][05]

    If TCPClientStream.DataAvailable = True Then
        Dim rcvbytes(TCPClientz.ReceiveBufferSize) As Byte
        TCPClientStream.Read(rcvbytes, 0, CInt(TCPClientz.ReceiveBufferSize))
        TextBox3.Text = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(rcvbytes)

        For Each c As Char In TextBox3.Text
            TextBox3.Text &= Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(c), 16)

    End If


  • You have a couple of errors in your code.

    • You are not checking how many bytes were actually received.
    • You are not using the correct method to convert to a hex string.
      Either use Convert.ToHexString in .NET 5+....
    Dim rcvbytes(TCPClientz.ReceiveBufferSize) As Byte
    If TCPClientStream.DataAvailable = True Then
        Dim Received = TCPClientStream.Read(rcvbytes, 0, CInt(TCPClientz.ReceiveBufferSize))
        TextBox3.Text &= Convert.ToHexString(rcvbytes, 0, Received)
    End If
    • ... or you can use BitConverter.ToString and Replace
    Dim rcvbytes(TCPClientz.ReceiveBufferSize) As Byte
    If TCPClientStream.DataAvailable = True Then
        Dim Received = TCPClientStream.Read(rcvbytes, 0, CInt(TCPClientz.ReceiveBufferSize))
        TextBox3.Text &= BitConverter.ToString(rcvbytes, 0, Received).Replace("-", "")
    End If