It's several days I search for a problem. I've create an Intranet (Authenticate mode windows allow member of domain) and I a webservice can be called by asmx file I create a bat file to be use in scheduled task
@echo off
start /MIN iexplore.exe http://server/WS.asmx/Importation
Timeout /T 80 /NoBreak>NUL
taskkill /F /IM iexplore.exe /T
Until now it was good. But from severals days now I don't see the calling asmx correctly (I create a log file and it's empty. When I call this WebService from my Intranet : it's Ok I notice now when I run my batch file manually it's ask me a username and password I look several sample but don't find the good option. Why Ask me a password when my task have the goods credentials. And How open this asmx with a username/password from scheduler?
Thanks for your help
Finally, I found a way... In Internet option u have a checkbox "activate the protected mode" uncheck it And I add my Intranet to Intranet Site Like this server isn't use directly (only resquest by Excel) and like it's inside protected struture. The risk are very limited. I hope that can help