Is it possible using query GUI or using M to create multiple output/target records based on analyzing source field? For example, if I have a source field as a list of tags separated by semicolons and have each tag as a single record in the target?
E.g. in the source:
"RecordX", "Tag1; Tag2; Tag3; Tag4"
"RecordY", "Tag2; Tag3; Tag5; Tag6"
In the target as separate records/lines:
"RecordX", "Tag1"
"RecordX", "Tag2"
"RecordX", "Tag3"
"RecordX", "Tag4"
"RecordY", "Tag2"
"RecordY", "Tag3"
"RecordY", "Tag5"
"RecordY", "Tag6"
Somebody in a similar case suggested the "unpivot" function. is it the solution for this? I need at least to understand terminology to look for the right functions, etc.
I'm assuming that your source data is like a JSON object or something?
Perhaps it looks like this:
"RecordX": "Tag1; Tag2; Tag3; Tag4",
"RecordY": "Tag2; Tag3; Tag5; Tag6"
And if that is the case, then I suggest you check this answer: Convert json List Record to Table value in PowerBI.
@Alexis is right, it is the 'Split Column By Delimiter' in to Rows which will solve this for you. See more details here and here.
For simplicity, here's a reproducible example:
Source =
""RecordX"": ""Tag1; Tag2; Tag3; Tag4"",
""RecordY"": ""Tag2; Tag3; Tag5; Tag6""
ToJSON = Json.Document(Source),
ToTable = Record.ToTable(ToJSON),
SplitByDelimiter =
Splitter.SplitTextByDelimiter("; ", QuoteStyle.Csv),
itemType = (type nullable text) meta [Serialized.Text = true]
type {itemType}
Which has the result:
Name | Value |
RecordX | Tag1 |
RecordX | Tag2 |
RecordX | Tag3 |
RecordX | Tag4 |
RecordY | Tag2 |
RecordY | Tag3 |
RecordY | Tag5 |
RecordY | Tag6 |