I'm trying to run an azure function app. I've created the file structure, functions, etc. as needed for my code to run. When I run locally, everything works just fine. However, when I deploy to the Azure function app and try to run on the server, I get an import error: ImportError: cannot import name '_<swig_compiled_binary>' from 'other_functions_path'
I can't understand why this would be the case. For those wondering, the package structure is as follows:
I don't have any external library imports beyond the swig compiled binary file, everything else is standard python 3.7 library calls, and as I said, everything works locally in the virtual environment.
If more info is needed I can provide it.
Edit: removed portion where I talked about circular import, this is not the cause.
Figured it out. Azure functions use a linux operating system for python runtime stacks. If you use a .pyd, that is compiled on windows, and the azure runtime stack will not recognize it. You have to use a .so compiled on linux for this to work.