I have a very simple maven sub-module - "unified-logging" - providing some logback configuration and a LogUtil class. This sub-module is not a spring boot application and is used by other applications (as compile time dependecy in pom).
I have added, additionally, spring cloud sleuth dependency in pom of this sub-module to inject spanId and traceId. Logback configuration provides the pattern for these fields:
"traceId": "%X{traceId:-}",
"parentSpanId": "%X{parentSpanId:-}",
"spanId": "%X{spanId:-}"
How can I test whether the traceId and spanId is really generated and injected in the logs as this is not a spring boot application and the whole auto-configuration part of spring will not be loaded? Thanks
You can test it by bringing in Spring Boot as a test dependency and write a simple test app that tests the integration.